Grib files and synoptic chart : how to download them (tuto 2)

Grib files and synoptic chart : how to download  and to use them in Squid, the marine weather software.

Grib files, Synoptic chart ... barbarous names for a novice. In the tutorials we start from 0. Previously, we saw how to register, download and install Squid, the marine weather software.

Before starting, make sure Squid software is correctly set up. Still not registered? Follow Tuto 1: Download and register 

Shall we go ? First, open Squid, your marine weather software

You can see a map and icons on the left. These icons are the features of the software. Today, we focus on the following weather functions:

  • Grib files
  • Synoptic chart

Let is see from a case study.

I want to navigate in Europe for a race. I need Grib files and synoptic chart of Europe, right? Let is begin!


With Squid, we can access weather files which are called Grib files

Case study : Navigate in Europe

To see the area:

  • Make a zoom in on the map (with '+')
  • Move the map (left click + mouse cursor movement)

Are you ready?

Now, select an area.

How? Press the right mouse click, select the area for which you want to receive the Grib files. Once you did it choose the option 'Download grib files for selection.'


Grib files


A window is opened. It will enable you to download Grib files.

On the left, you have different icons where you can select different variables.

They are 3 types of variables :

  • Classic weather variables (red on the picture)
  • The variables of the state of the sea (everything about the waves) (blue on the picture)
  • Oceanic variables (green on the picture)


grib files variables

Then, you can find the weather models which are available (depending on your subscription).

You can access the model which are in blue. (all models)

Now activate the ON or OFF mode for each desired models and choose the time step. Notice, you can select several models simultaneously.


grib files models

Finally, on the right side, you can choose the period of use. You can also choose the format and compression Grib files.

Finally click on 'Download Grib file'.

The weather files are downloaded automatically. Easy, isn't it ? Now let is have a closer look on synoptic chart.


grib files


In our case. Fist, click on the icon 'synoptic chart'.

Then, choose

  • Your area
  • Your source (the weather service - it depends on the selected area)
  • Your time step (time between availabilty of weather data)

Click on download.


synoptic chart

The synoptic chart displays.

To see further forecasts, you can click on the blue arrows in the left corner of the synoptic chart

You can access to all the synoptic charts available (it depends on the area and the selected source).


synoptic chart

And that is it ! See you next week to see how to view Grib files on the map depending on the model.

In the meantime, let us know the challenges you face in the comment's part of our Facebook page. We will provide you with solutions in an upcoming tutorial.


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