Routing analysis tool
Select all routings.
Click Routing -> Routing analysis
Based on an example of probabilistic routing with the GEFS (ensemble of 20 scenari)

- Graphic tab of evolution:
- Each routing scenario, shows TWS changes (vertical axis) versus time (horizontal axis):
- Each line of the graph is an independent routing
- More lines are close, less the model includes uncertainties.
- Beware, for a given time, there are different values of TWS. This is quite logical since the geographical position of the point at the given time, varies for each routing (weather scenario).
- Pie charts represent the distribution of TWD. The value at the top right of the circle represents the highest probability of TWD.
Tab detailed statistics:
For each routing scenario:
- The duration
- The start time
- The arrival time
- different types of wind encountered along each routing
- Q10: 10% of the time, the wind speed was less than the value of the table
- Q50: Median of wind speed. 50% of the time, the wind speed was less than the value of the table
- Q90: 90% of the time, the wind speed was less than the value of the table
Tab wind speeds:
- For each routing, distribution of wind speeds clustered by 5 kts.
Tab wind direction:
- This table gives you detailed information about the different TWA (portside "P" and starboard "S").