Squid, how does it work ? The control of a weather forecast software is not so easy. Follow us !
Tutorials Squid
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Grib files and synoptic chart : how to download and to use them in Squid, the marine weather software.
You downloaded your grib files and yout synoptic chart ? Well, we going to learn in this tuto : How to view a grib file according variables and satellite images
Polar and velocity prediction , what is it? And what's the objectif in Squid, our weather software ?
Routing ? Best-Start ? Start with the creation of a new route with Squid, a marine navigation software.
Display the uploading runtimes of various models.
This tutorial will explain to you how and why use the advanced mode windows
A tutorial very usefull to know how to download a wave GRIB file compatible with Adrena
You want to personnalize your display in Squid ? Here are some tricks!
This tutorial will explain how to display, download and to get back the synoptic maps you want to have.
A tutoriel which will allow you to modify the levels of contrasts and luminosity ( the gammas) of satellite pictures.
This tutoriel will allow you to understand how to display exclusion areas created under Adrena or Expédition
With Great Circle you will have the opportunity to use the High Compression Grib at upload time. It allows you to load your Grib directly or to receive it on...
What's to be done in case of authentification error?
This tutorial explain how to use Squid in Expedition?
The main evolution is a clearer interface when loging in. Once authenticated, a new window will display all your subscription information’s