Download Squid Mobile : IOS & Android marine weather application
Squid Mobile (iOS and Android) is a free, powerful and yet the easiest and most comprehensive requester and viewer of Grib Files (weather files
Now available for a large audience of sailors. Doesn’t matter if you are an occasional cruiser or a keen racer, if you are an off-shore solo navigator or coastal dinghy sailor. Squid has all the forecasts data you need, selected for their best possible accuracy, covering any region, any playground around the globe.
Squid Mobile App has been developed by GreatCircle. Chosen by the most demanding navigators since 2010, on board almost every sailing boat, while tempting and often succeeding, a world speed sailing record formalized by the WSSRC.
Now avalaible on Apple Store and Google Play, Squid Mobile will be
next to you to answer to all your interrogation about marine weather. Free download, you can also use it with your subscritpion to get all your functionnalities on your smartphone or tablet.