Hires Racing World

Tax included

This package is the indispensable tool for your regattas and cruises with worldwide coverage.
Access to global and the best high resolution models, includind the Meteoblue NEMS models but also the value added colorized sat' images.

Anticipate the wind speed and direction shifts all day long
Optimise your routing according to the wind and the current with the routing module

This subscription will be automatically renewed at its expiry unless explicitly stated by you.

Duration: 1 month



Squid, your partner for a successful transat!


forecasts squidForecast Models
  • Meteoblue NEMS v1 (WRF-GFS) & v2 (WRF-ECMWF)
  • LAMMA 9 & 3 km (WRF-GFS-ECMWF)
  • ECMWF 36 km (opendata)
  • ICON (EU 6km & Global 20 km) for 5 & 8 days
  • GFS (25, 56 & 112 km) for 10 & 16 days
  • Arôme - Météo France 1 km & 2,5 km
  • Arpege - Météo France 9 & 56 km
  • Harmonie 9 km
  • HRRR, RAP, NAM, NAM Nest Conus (high resolution models along side US coast, up to hourly updated)
  • GEFS probabilist/ensemble models (45km, 30 scenarii inc. Average & Control)
  • ECMWF-ENS probabilist/ensemble models (36km, 50 scenarii)


forecasts squidWaves & Currents
  • WW3 52 km
  • WW3 EU 18 km
  • MyOcean Mercator 8 km
  • MyOcean IBI 2,5 km with tidal currents
  • WAM Météo France Arpège & Arôme
  • WAM Météo France ECMWF 20 km
  • WAM Mediterraen Sea Copernicus 5 km


observations squidObservations & Charts
  • Satellite images : high-resolution & colorized from various sources (METEOSAT, GOES, Himawari)
  • Synoptic charts (Bracknell, … )
  • Observations from buoys and weather stations


routage squidRoutage
  • Routes & waypoints
  • Polar editor
  • Isochronic routing
  • Best-Start : help you choose the best start schedule (safety, performance, maximum conditions,... )


routage squidFonctionnalités
  • Squid is intuitive and user-friendly and working on MAC, PC & Mobile devices
  • Optimisation of the file compression to reduce size and time of data transfer on-board
  • Multiple display mode / layers (barbs, streamlines, meteograms, …)
  • Gribmail : receive your forecast and routing by mail (essential if you use an Satellite/Iridium phone)
  • Use directly IRIDIUM GO to download your forecast and routing with SQUID X !


routage squidSupport
  • Customers helpdesk by e-mail & phone

When you subscribe to this package, you are charged at the beginning of the chosen period. At the end of the first period of your subscription, it is automatically renewed (via the same payment method as when you initially placed your order). You have the option to cancel your subscription in your personal area at any time. When a cancellation is requested, your subscription remains active until the end of the current period.