Custom Request Example

Here is a second example where we pass arguments in the query string in order to customize the forecast.,temperature&horizon=3.14,d&exclude=minute&extend=hour

The cusomizations are the following :

  1. we specify variables=wind,temperature to indicate that we only care about measures of these 2 categories and we want to ignore the rest
  2. we specify horizon=3.14,d to indicate that we want to limit our forecast to the next 3.14 days
  3. we specify exclude=minute to indicate that we don't need a minute by minute prediction during the first 3 hours and that an hour by hour prediction is good enough
  4. we specify extend=hour to indicate that we want hour spaced predictions and not 3 hours spaced for the last 1.14 days


Here is a simplified response containing only the first and last <ForecastPoint> objects :

  "timezone": "Europe/Brussels",
  "longitude": 4.533706,
  "latitude": 50.711665,
  "forecast": [
      "windGust": 11.1460790369986,
      "windSpeed_10m": 6.667912125523531,
      "windDirection_10m": 223.44321300075234,
      "windSpeed_200hPa": 38.64799409416467,
      "windDirection_200hPa": 268.64472894979895,
      "windSpeed_300hPa": 49.142716517101775,
      "windDirection_300hPa": 269.2552785171493,
      "windSpeed_925hPa": 13.197258691636046,
      "windDirection_925hPa": 240.28692287795522,
      "temperature_2m": 278.6636347777659,
      "temperature_500hPa": 248.42825601531058,
      "temperature_850hPa": 269.811823116638,
      "timestamp": {
        "unix": 1484219734,
        "localTimestamp": "2017-01-12T12:15:34+01:00"
      "windGust": 4.977490892435343,
      "windSpeed_10m": 2.878197152982397,
      "windDirection_10m": 293.8039568227666,
      "windSpeed_200hPa": 31.13916686166079,
      "windDirection_200hPa": 10.825380696299987,
      "windSpeed_300hPa": 43.489709330032845,
      "windDirection_300hPa": 14.887622359123611,
      "windSpeed_925hPa": 7.868079530493774,
      "windDirection_925hPa": 344.80048349987055,
      "temperature_2m": 274.98887595369297,
      "temperature_500hPa": 243.92711233970294,
      "temperature_850hPa": 264.61621888701086,
      "timestamp": {
        "unix": 1484491030,
        "localTimestamp": "2017-01-15T15:37:10+01:00"
  "metadata": {
    "windGust": {
      "unit": "m s-1",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"
    "windSpeed_10m": {
      "unit": "m s-1",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"
    "windDirection_10m": {
      "unit": "degrees",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"
    "windSpeed_200hPa": {
      "unit": "m s-1",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"
    "windDirection_200hPa": {
      "unit": "degrees",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"
    "windSpeed_300hPa": {
      "unit": "m s-1",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"
    "windDirection_300hPa": {
      "unit": "degrees",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"
    "windSpeed_925hPa": {
      "unit": "m s-1",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"
    "windDirection_925hPa": {
      "unit": "degrees",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"
    "temperature_2m": {
      "unit": "K",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"
    "temperature_500hPa": {
      "unit": "K",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"
    "temperature_850hPa": {
      "unit": "K",
      "model": "gfs_0_5",
      "runtime": "2017-01-12T06:00:00Z"

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